Saturday, July 03, 2010

That Crazy Bulldog

Today's blog is about that crazy bulldog of mine, Buster, or Buster Brown as we like to call him among other things that I won't post here.  Ha, ha!  This poor dog is not handling the heat too well.  He paces back and forth and huffs and puffs, yet the dumbass will go out on the deck and lay in the sun, the whole time huffing and puffing.

This dog drives me crazy sometimes, but he is a hell of a dog.  He follows me everywhere and when I leave he sits in the window looking for me.  Hopefully he will be around for a long time to come.  He is always pestering the cat just because he wants to.  The cat only puts up with him for so long and that he gets a good smack upside the head.   

Friday, July 02, 2010

It's Been a While

It has been more than 6 months since I last blogged.  A lot of things change in 6 months and hopefully I will get on the ball and start posting more blogs.  Gotta get away from Facebook all the time and get back to updating here at least monthly.  My grandson has had a birthday, my grand daughter is now going to be headed to 4th grade, my daughter has had some good luck, we have lost a family member, and winter and spring has passed.  Look for more updates as the next few months go by.  Hope you enjoy the blog and comment as much as you would like.