Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cast Away trailer

I just felt a need to post this clip here. This is one of the best movies ever. It is a love story, but for me so much more. It is a story of survival. Who couldn't help but be touched by the story of Chuck and Wilson. For me the saddest part of this story is when he loses Wilson, who had been his only companion for 4 years and this was basically the way of keeping his sanity throughout this movie. I could watch this movie over and over again. Enjoy the clip.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What Cancer Cannot Do

This was sent to me by my brother and I thought that I would share. I hope that it warms your hearts:

What Cancer Cannot Do:

It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendships
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit

Cancer is so limited

Author Unknown

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Mom

My mother is very sick with cancer. I have to say that this is the most horrible disease that anyone could be afflicted with. She is in such severe pain that it makes her cry. She has been going through treatment for almost 2 years now. She is currently hospitalized and will probably be there quite a while. She is a strong woman and fighting, but is suffering so much. Sometimes you wonder how much more she can take. She is currently receiving both chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She's tired all of the time, but when I speak to her on the phone she is almost always upbeat and positive.

After taking care of my father in-law, who had terminal cancer, it makes me wonder if death would be better than all the pain that she is suffering. I saw my father in-law go from an active man to a shell of man because of his disease and unfortunately am seeing the same thing with my mother. I wish there was more research and that the doctors could find a cure for cancer. You would think with all the technology that the world now had that this could be achieved.

To everyone that is either suffering with this disease or knows someone who is, my thoughts are with you. Here's hoping that some day we will be able to find a cure for all different types of cancer and that everyone that has died from this terrible disease did not die in vain.

Charmed: The Ultimate Music Video

Charmed is one of my favorite shows of all time. I freaking love this show. I didn't start watching it until it was on a couple of seasons, but thankfully TNT shows it all the time. I especially fell for the love story of Piper and Leo. They were destined to be together and you really felt that. Phoebe really evolved from the beginning of not having a direction in her life until the season finale. Prue was awesome, but in my opinion too stiff and not very fun. Paige was an awesome fit to the sisters, started out a little slow, but I grew to like her as well. The ending of this story was awesome. I will say that the only shows that I did not enjoy were when they were under cover and the different faces. I just could not get into that.

A Great Site

My uncle hooked me up to this site and it is fantastic. In this day and age of families loosing touch of each other, this site is great! It connects families through a community and you can post all kinds of info about your family including your ancestors. The best part of this site for me is that you can create a family tree, share pictures of videos, post events going on in your family. I recommend that you check it out.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Steve and Kayla Christmas Video - I Never Knew The Meaning Of Christmas

So Christmas is upon us and I am not very optimistic about seeing any good Steve and Kayla scenes around Christmas. I found this cheesy N Sync song on the web and it inspired me to make a Steve and Kayla Christmas video. Unfortunately since their return there is not a whole lot of clips to use, but from years past they are awesome. I made this video instead of working, I know, I know, but what the hell, it was fun to do and the best part is watching the old clips over and over. This video can be found on my youtube page. Hope you enjoy and give me feedback if you wish. Be kind.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Blogging!

I wanted to start a blog about a little bit of everything, my personal life, my thoughts, soaps, TV, or anything else that may come to mind. Hope you enjoy it and come back often.