Saturday, September 19, 2009

Toes Taste Good

Who would have thought that toes were this good. LOL. My grandson sure thinks they are yummy! I guess the first thing you have to be to eat your toes in limber. This definitely leaves me out. The second thing I think you have to become accustomed to the taste of them. What do they taste like anyway? And the third thing is you have to be as cute as he is doing it. Check him out as he has perfected the act of eating his toes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Testing Windows Live

This is just a test to see how Windows Live works with my blog.002 (2)

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

This Crazy Bulldog

So if any of you reading this know me, I am usually up at 5:00 a.m. every morning and don't go back to bed. So this morning I take the hubby to work and come back. The dog is still sleeping in his crate and I was so tired I decided to go back to bed.

Well, apparently he figured I should not be sleeping because I was not back in bed any more than 10 minutes when he starts barking. I get up out of bed and take him out to do his business. We come back into the house and he wants a biscuit, his usual morning ritual, and he goes back in his crate. I figure I can get back in bed and sleep for about an hour before I have to get the little person up and get her ready for school.

Wrong! This dog started barking and would not shut up! And he did not bark just once in a while, he barked continuously. I ended getting back up out of bed and told him to shut the hell up. Once I am up, he decides he is going back to sleep and the next thing I hear is snoring. I love that dog, but was not loving him this morning. I guess he was trying to tell me that I needed to be up so he could sleep easy.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mom Is On My Mind

Wow, two blogs in one day. I must be feeling ill. LOL.

I found this terrific song called Address in the Stars and I instantly thought about my mom and how it would make such a great song for a video about her. I think about her every day and for some reason as of late I have been thinking about her a lot and seem to miss her more now than ever. Maybe it is because of the many stresses in my life right at the moment.

I realized right before she died that you should not take advantage of the people in your life because before you know it they may be gone. I have learned that you should not sweat the little things in life, there are way more important things than who said what about who. There are many things that I wanted to say to her, but never did, and now I wish that I would have. I kind of think I put a wall up about her illness, not wanting to be too emtional for her. Lord knows, she could cry. Unfortunately, I think I have the same trait. Geez, I even cry at Hallmark commercials.

If I could say one thing to her now it would be to tell her that I miss her every day and what she meant to me in my life and no matter what dramas we were going through, and at times there were many, that I always loved her and never once thought what it would be like when she was gone, that it would be this painful. She taught me that there are many struggles in life and that nothing is so bad that it won't get better. I wish I had some of that better right now. (Sigh). She taught me that material possesions are not as important as the love of your family. It's strange... something will be going on in my life, (what's new?), something about work, or I will read something and I think to myself, "I should call mom," or, "I haven't talked to mom in a while," but I can't call her. That's one of the things that I took for granted, that I was able to just pick up a phone and she was there.

She will forever be in my heart until the day I die, and this will definitely not be the last blog about my mom and definitely not the last video. My grandchildren will grow up knowing her, knowing all about her, and hopefully they will pass that on to their children long after I am gone. Ha, I remember telling my father-in-law right before he passed that he should tell them "upstairs" what a good person I was and ask them to give me a free pass. I like to think that there has got to be something better than this, the life we have now, where all our loved ones are happy, not suffering, and together.

So here is the video that I made. Some lyrics:
"Without you here with me,
I don't know what to do.
I'd give anything
Just to talk to you
Oh it breaks my heart..."

I hope you like the video and I do love comments on my Blogger (hint, hing). Until next time....

First Day Of Third Grade

Wow! It's been quite some time since I updated my blog. I really need to be more active with this, because we all know I have a lot on my mind. LOL. I make myself laugh, I hope I make you laugh too! Anyway, there are so many different things going on with my life and in the world.

We'll start today with Haily's first day back to school. Yay! I love her so much, but she was just bored hanging with the old lady and needed to be around kids. I think I was as excited as she was to return to school. She is now in 3rd grade. Amazing, it seems that time has really passed by so quickly. When she first came here she wasn't even in school yet and went on to attend Head Start, 1st, 2nd, and now 3rd grade. She has grown so much over the summer too. Pajama pants that were long on her in the late winter are now way too short.

So here are some pics and a short video taken on her first day of 3rd grade. She ought to be a model, maybe I need to check into that, she loves posing for the camera and you can never take enough pictures of her. The video is cute and what she says in it is right! LOL. I hope you enjoy it, and I will try to make more posts more often.